Become a Member of ZAM

Support the best in investigative journalism, arts, politics and opinion from Africa.

Become a Member of ZAM and receive:

For €5 a month/€60 a year:
– Access to Studio ZAM meet & greets with African changemakers
– Exclusive invitation for the annual ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture (cancelled for 2024)
– A copy of the Kleptocracy Project poster by Diana Ejaita 

For €10 a month/€120 a year:
– All of the above! And….
– A free ticket for the annual ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture (cancelled for 2024)
– A copy of Yvonne Owuor’s Nelson Mandela Lecture pocket book

For €15 a month/€180 a year:
– All of the above! And….
– A free ticket for the annual ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture (cancelled for 2024)
– A limited edition Nelson Mandela stamp / artwork by Marlene Dumas / design by Ruiter Janssen


The ZAM-net Foundation (‘ZAM’) was established in 2007. We are a non-profit platform based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We build and maintain a network of more than 1200 creatives in (investigative) journalism, photography, the arts, and opinion in African countries and the diaspora. We offer their stories, productions and creations to international audiences via our media channels, in events and collaborations. This is how we bridge the gap between ‘here’ and ‘there’ and contribute to the dissemination of perspectives and insights in often complex realities.



Other ways of contributing
If you, or your organisation/company, support ZAM’s work and you would like to contribute more, or in a different way, we can work out a custom programme for you. For a (non-commital) conversation, please contact ZAM:

Cultural ‘ANBI’ status
Did you know that donating to a Cultural ANBI offers significant tax benefits? A special extra gift deduction applies, as opposed to regular ANBI’s. Read more on the Dutch government tax website,
KVK number: 34288776
Fiscal / ANBI number: 8187.76.547

A note on payments
Payments are processed through Mollie Payments as a payment service provider. In our exhibition space, you can also fill out a physical payment form with your IBAN bank account.

Other questions?
Please contact us via if you have any questions, we are happy to answer them for you!